Monday, November 10, 2008

An amazing country this is... America...

No matter what your political persuasion is... or if you're like me, and didn't really care for either candidate, I can't help but think that this is an amazing time in our country.

The first African American to be elected President of the United States inherits (from not only Republicans and Democrats, but "Main Street America" as well) two wars, a planet in peril and the worst financial crisis in a century.

Yet the changing of the guard goes smoothly. "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where anything is possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive; who still questions the power of our democracy... this... is your answer."

God Bless the Civility of America

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Goodbye old shoes

Goodbye Old Shoes
You’ve served me well
I’ve worn you out
As you can tell.

Hello New Shoes
It’s plain to see
You are the perfect
Shoes for me!
Yea for comfortable shoes!
I can walk in them, work in them, and my feet are still happy!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stella is so glad it's November 5th.

Today while Abby was getting ready for work, Stella (age 2 years and 4 months) told her, "Mom, I wanna watch CARS. Not John McCain."
(Thanks Ky, for the adorable photo!)

Monday, October 27, 2008

One more reason why I love Rexburg

My friend Travis Ball took this photo Friday night. Isn't it spectacular? Travis, you're amazing.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Emergency Preparedness... ARE YOU READY?

In my Persuasion class we are writing a Community Action Project. Our group has chosen to encourage BYU-Idaho students to compile a personal 72 hour kit. We've done some research and learned that although most students feel it is important, very few have actually done anything about it.
Many of you know that my husband is the king of 72 hour kits. We have two of the most extensive (and expensive) 72 hour kits around. :)
Did you know that a very basic 72 hour 'student kit' can be prepared for under $20? In fact, our student stake (BYU-I 1st Stake) is helping students gather the food portion of their kits for only $5! For a list of what our university recommends to include in a student 72 hour kit, click here.
Here's a shout out to you all who have started. And for the rest of us...
Just Do It!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Why aren't you in law school?

I love school. I love learning. I love pretending that I'm smart enough to be in college. This week, my favorite school moment was reading what my Media Law professor (and Stake President) wrote on my paper. Thanks President Moeller. You totally made my day.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

There is nothing quite like a fall day.

On Saturday we hopped in our new Honda, grabbed our friends, Bart and Sandra, and went on a fun fall drive. We live in such a beautiful part of our world. The leaves were changing and the colors were spectacular!

We played on the dock at Palasades Lake and decided it was almost as much fun as having a boat... and way less expensive.

We had a yummy, fancy picnic complete with Sandra's baked beans that we cooked on Bart's three dollar, garage sale, camp stove. Why does he always find all the best deals? :0)

Of course, a beautiful fall drive isn't complete without the Tetons, so we drove over to Jackson Hole and into the park to visit Jenny Lake. It was nice to take a break from our busy lives. There is just nothing quite like a beautiful fall day!
Thanks Bart and Sandra, for being our friends!